Welcome worthy visitor,
welcome here on my VGA planets host!

I am glad that you have found me after your long travels through the web.
Now you are on a secured place where you may reside as long as you want to give me the honor to be my guest.

Let me tell you that the place you have found is an automated
PHCc/32 VGA planets host.
Please let me guide you through my hosting site (because this message is a little long, you may decide to print it out and read offline).

As you know, VGA planets is a pbem game 11 against 11 with a neutral person - the game host. Tim Wisseman has created this game and with the years it has become the most played science fiction pbem game of the world.
With only a small fee you can get the registered Winplan version (the Windows client of VGA planets) and from this point you are able to meet thousands of players around the world and fight your conquests.

Unfortunately, places of great light sources do have big shadows also. So we have to make sure that your mail client is compatible to my host mail system because all your turn file sendings are processed automatically. If this automated feature fails to work because our mailers are not fully compatible, you will miss turns and your race is without your protection for this turns.
To deal with this, you have to play one turn in a "test game". Please do not misunderstand this, the test game should not proof YOUR skill, but our mailing system ones.

Well, if you are ready to play on my hosting site, you may logon at one of the test games defined for new commanders.
To identify you, you have to fill out a form with your name (please use your real name, not a nickname because we want to know your worthy name), and the country you come from as well as your email address.
If you send this data form via email to my address, MailRobo (my mail bot) will add you to the players databases, set your rank to "Spaceman" and assign you to a test game. Because you are playing only for one turn in this game, it does not matter which race you will control - the first free unassigned race will stay with you.
After sending your join request to my host, you should receive your confirmation message and the game files within the next 24 hours... if not, you may have mistyped your email address so MailRobo is not able to contact you. In this case please send a mail to me - the host master.
Within this assignment messages you will find informations when the host is running next for the test game. Please do your turn and send your RST file back as soon as possible. Please think about that mails sent over the internet are routed and need additional time to reach the recipient.
Well, if things run good and MailRobo processes your sending without errors, you will be noticed that you have successfully played your test turn if the HOST runs next. After this host run your rank will be raised to an "Ensign" and from this time you are a fully accepted official race commander on my VGA planets host.

With the rank of an ensign you are allowed to join nearly all defined "real" games.

Well, i think it is the time to talk about the ranking on this PHCc host.
New players always start with the rank of a "Spaceman". If they have successfully played their test turn, the rank will be raised to an "Ensign" automatically.
But you are right, this is only the first level of ranks you may gain while fighting your conquests on my host.

Like at the other PHCc hosts, ranking is directly bound on playing turns and winning games.
Player ranks consists of two parts. The promotion and the decoration part.

The promotion range is based onto your played turns on the host and goes from "Spaceman" to "Admiral". Every turn you play on this host will raise your ranking points by one (if you miss to play your turn, your ranking points are decreased by one naturally).

The decoration part is based on the number of games you made it to survive and gain one of the first three places. It runs from none to "System".
So if you have played 106 turns, missed 4 turns and won 1 game, your rank should be "Group Captain".

Here you will see the detailed ranking information table:
Promotion ranks
0-0 points
1-9 points
10-24 points
25-49 points
50-99 points
100-199 points
Rear Admiral
200-350 points
Vice Admiral
351-499 points
500-9999 points

Decoration ranks
1 game won
2 games won
3 games won
4 games won
5 games won
6 games won
7 games won
8 games won
9 games won
10 games won
11 games won
12 and more games won

Well, with this informations you now may be well prepared to survive here on my host and gain the honor of all other players.

see the gamelist see the playerlist host info back home
Page created on 2001/11/28 at 20:39 GMT using PHCc autohost version 2.18